“Assurance of Quality, Performance, and Reliability”


With the help of our quality testing services, we, as a recognized quality assurance organization, can make your dream of dominating the market a reality. Modern performance testing solutions to improve the performance of your software are what we specialize in and are known for. The performance testing services we provide at Lotus cover a wide range of domains and platforms, including desktop, web, cloud, mobile, and analytics. Our performance testing specialists have consistently delivered the greatest performance testing solutions together with outstanding quality assurance, demonstrating their knowledge and competence. No matter the problem, our professionals are always available to assist you.



Load Testing Services

By the use of our Quality Assessment methodology and framework, Lotus collaborates with customers to enhance their quality process by identifying the fundamental causes of errors throughout the entire company and offering a road map for process and product improvement.

Stress Testing Services

Stress testing reveals the maximum capacity of the software. evaluates a web or mobile application's capacity to continue functioning effectively under challenging conditions.

Volume Testing Services

Increases the amount of data in the database to measure the software's productivity. Finding the maximum quantity of data that a piece of software can process is the main goal of this testing.

Scalability Testing Services

Evaluates software performance in the presence of processor power and architectural changes. Assures the software's scalability and smooth operation.

Web Service Performance Testing

Obtain websites that are excellent in every way—interactive, visually appealing, and with flawless performance. Provide the broad user base with first-rate, ongoing, and uninterrupted services.

Stability Testing

Lotus examines the system's stability over an extended period of time, particularly when it is running nonstop. This aids in planning maintenance efforts by evaluating the risk of downtime.

Lotus Performance Testing Solution Advantages

  • We will run your application through a complete performance evaluation, then tell you exactly how many users your site can support. We’ll also pinpoint potential problem areas and give you a full report detailing what needs to be fixed. Our Performance QA Designers (PQAD) work with your schedule, running tests and performing the analysis. The following are the advantages of Lotus Performance Solutions.
  • Centralizing performance testing into a single function.
  • Increased productivity and Decreasing costs through a centralized function that preserves investment in performance solutions.
  • Increasing quality and reduction or elimination of performance defects prior to production
  • Lotus’s performance testing and analysis help to estimate the hardware configuration required to support the application(s) when you “go live” to production operation.
  • Our Industry’s best class of Performance Test Designers possess knowledge of both Licensed and Open-source tools.


What our clients say about us

  • Vestibulum laoreet nisi dapibus libero dapibus, lobortis consectetur purus faucibus. Vivamus sed eros consectetur, dignissim sapien vulputate, efficitur erat. Donec pretium purus sit amet quam tristique, consequat sollicitudin eros sodales. Nulla facilisi. Donec tempus metus nec velit maximus lacinia. Etiam condimentum lectus a libero condimentum, sit amet maximus velit rutrum. Vivamus non arcu tempor, ultricies magna vel, feugiat urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Proin ac iaculis nulla. Praesent aliquam lobortis leo, sit amet iaculis lorem tincidunt sit amet. Phasellus vel dolor non libero lacinia tristique sit amet et enim. Morbi enim turpis, eleifend at leo eget, vestibulum mattis odio. Praesent molestie pulvinar leo, non tincidunt arcu sodales eu. Donec consectetur commodo quam vitae feugiat. Phasellus lectus sapien, iaculis eu accumsan in, posuere id ex. Nam tempus scelerisque vulputate. Fusce tristique sapien et nunc iaculis, non suscipit nisl sagittis. Sed vulputate pellentesque eros aliquam molestie.
    Aaron Moore
  • Fusce pulvinar nisl nec quam pulvinar aliquet. Aliquam id imperdiet neque, id facilisis quam. In varius dui nec libero commodo dignissim. Mauris venenatis porttitor nulla. Etiam aliquet justo a purus aliquet, imperdiet rhoncus odio viverra. Donec fermentum tincidunt augue ac mattis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus vel consequat libero. Proin in augue faucibus, imperdiet arcu sit amet, porta lectus. Pellentesque ante erat, tempus aliquam dignissim sit amet, interdum porttitor nisl. Mauris in nulla tincidunt, convallis est at, dignissim quam. Suspendisse quis elit sed urna dictum porta. Cras elementum, lacus eu venenatis porttitor, libero urna condimentum nunc, sed venenatis eros erat egestas tortor. Nulla pharetra vehicula turpis eu viverra. Morbi risus mauris, cursus vel venenatis at, euismod a mi. Maecenas laoreet nunc vitae sapien molestie consequat. Pellentesque ullamcorper mauris vel augue luctus, non ultrices ligula laoreet.

Our Clients

Years of IT Expertise
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Automated Scripts
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Cloud Deployments
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E-Commerce Websites
0 +
24/7 Prod Support
0 +

We can discuss your IT needs and challenges, and our solutions architects can schedule a free 30-minute call.